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Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP) – Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

The Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP)

The RPLRP project


The Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP) is a regional project financed by a USD 40 Million loan got by GOU from the World Bank and implemented by three IGAD member states: Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia.

The RPLRP was prepared within the framework of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) and aligned with the Regional Programming Paper (RPP) and Country Programming Paper (CPPs).

In Uganda, the RPLRP is aligned to four strategic objectives of the CAS: promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth; enhance public infrastructure; strengthen human capital development; and improve good governance and value for money.


The RRLRP is also consistent with the Agriculture Sector Development Strategy and Investment Plan (DSIP) 2010/11-2014/15, and specifically, with sub-programs on production and productivity, market access and value addition, enabling environment, and institutional strengthening. DSIP emphasizes pastoral issues and climate change.

The RPLRP will directly contribute to implementing the dairy and meat action plans formulated following the DSIP. Both plans recognize the ASALs as the main sources of cattle and ruminants in Uganda, notably the so-called “cattle corridor” and the north- eastern part of the country (Karamoja region).

This Project is being implemented over a period of five years, by the Government of Uganda (GoU) through the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries (MAAIF).

The beneficiaries of this project are the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in the selected countries and in Uganda the project is being implemented in the 12 districts of Abim, Amuria, Amudat, Bukedea, Katakwi, Kotido, Kaabong, Kween, Kumi, Napak, Moroto and Nakapiripirit. It is estimated that the project will directly benefit 42,000 households in Uganda.

MAAIF through RPLRP offers an innovative, comprehensive and flexible response to pastoralist’ vulnerability to drought by delivering key public goods to enhance the livelihoods of the pastoral and agro pastoral communities in Uganda.

The overall Project Development Objective (PDO) is: To enhance livelihood resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in cross-border drought prone areas of selected countries and improve the capacity of the countries’ governments to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency.

To achieve the objective, RPLRP investments provide support focusing on four main thematic areas:

  • Increasing access to sustainably managed water and land resources for pastoral and agro-pastoral communities.
  • Developing and strengthening market infrastructure and market information systems at national and regional levels.
  • Increasing pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihood options.
  • Reducing risks due to drought and conflicts related to access to natural resources.

Project Description

Summary of RPLRP Project Intermediate Outcomes and Major Outputs

Intermediate Outcomes Major Outputs statements, by sub-component (Project Deliverables)
Component 1: Natural Resources Management
Infrastructure for improved access to water resources for pastoral and agro-pastoral communities realized and sustainably managed. Sub-component 1.1: Water Resources Development· Regional/national maps available for water resources uses and users (for investments) refined and disseminated.

· Enhance stakeholder capacities to manage the shared water resources in ASALs strengthened.

· Infrastructures for water resources access developed /rehabilitated.

Pastoral and agro-pastoral land sustainable management increased Sub-component .1.2: Pasture and Land development · Regional/national maps available for land resources and use related issues refined and disseminated.

· Rangeland ecosystems with trans-boundary implications including for livestock movements rehabilitated.

Access to natural resources improved and secured Sub-component 1.3: Securing Access to Natural Resources· Conflict prevention, management and resolution strategies and approaches harmonized.

· Policy and legal framework for secured access to natural resources supported.

Component 2: Market Access and Trade
Market infrastructure developed and market information system improved at the national and regional levels Sub-component 2.1: Strengthening market support infrastructure and information systems· Livestock Marketing Infrastructure Improved

· Regional livestock marketing information system strengthened

Policies, regulatory framework and capacity for traders enhanced Sub-component 2.2: Improving Livestock Mobility and Trade of Livestock and Livestock Products· Regional trade policies and standards harmonized and simplified

· Animal identification and certification systems in the region strengthened and harmonized

· Regional animal diseases surveillance and laboratory network strengthened .

Component 3: Livelihood support
Livestock health services at the regional, national and local levels enhanced to support greater production and productivity Sub-Component 3.1: Livestock production and health· Disease and vector surveillance and control services strengthened and harmonized at national and regional levels.

· Capacity of the pastoral communities to access sustainable animal health services enhanced,

· Breeding strategies and breed improvement programs supported

New technologies and practices for food and feed production enhanced through demonstrations Sub-Component 3.2: Enhanced Food and feed production· Drought tolerant food and feed crop technologies will be promoted and disseminated.
Alternative livelihood activities and sub-projects for livelihood diversification realized and sustainably managed Sub-Component 3.3: Livelihood diversification· Alternative livelihood opportunities are identified and strengthened
Component 4: Pastoral Risk Management
Regional, national and local early warning and response mechanisms for disaster risk management improved Sub-component 4.1: Pastoral risk early warning and response system· Early Warning Systems strengthened and harmonized in the region, and capacities built to operationalized Early Warning systems

· Systems and capacities for effective response, including contingency planning are developed/strengthened and harmonized

Effective disaster risks management policies operationalized and contingency plans available Sub-component 4.2: Drought Disaster Risk Management· Ex-ante risk reduction measures for effective DRM are developed and implementation monitored.

· DRM policies are harmonized, operationalized, mainstreamed, and institutionalized at central and line ministry levels.

· Contingency Funds (regional & national) created and operational.

Component 5: Project management and Institutional Support
Sub-component 5.1: Project Management/Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning/Knowledge Management and Communication· Project management and coordination structures established

· Integrated Planning, M&E and Learning (PMEL) system established

· Integrated knowledge management and communication system established

· Project procurement system established

· Financial management system established

Sub-component 5.2: Regional and National Institutions Support· 1. National public institutions strengthened

3.0 The Project Implementation Progress against the Project Planned Results to be delivered by 2019

Project Development Objective Indicators Results by 2019 Progress by 2017
Death rate of livestock (cattle, camel, goat and sheep) per pastoral household targeted by the project Reduced death rate0.5% to 0.01% · Death data collection from a sample of 600 herds (in regard to Households) started in all 12 districts and it has been noted that the death rate has successfully reduced.· Vaccination activities in all 12 districts is going

· Surveillance of disease out breaks and Tsetse is going on in all districts

· Refresher Training of Animal Health workers (150) on disease management and reporting has been concluded thus strengthening of veterinary services delivery in the districts has been

· Tsetse control using emergency application of insecticide pour on and trypanasomosis treatment in Kaabong and Kotido districts has been fully launched.

Birth rate of livestock (cattle, camel, goat and sheep) per pastoral household Improved birth rate2016(54%) to 2019(80%) or more · Birth data collection from a sample of 600 herds (in regard to Households) started in all 12 districts.· Animal Health Workers have been trained in data collection and guidance of kraal owners to help monitor the results of the interventions.

· Strengthening of veterinary service delivery in the districts through vaccine cold chain Van which has eased the transportation and proper handling of vaccines.

Volume and real value of animal products sold in selected project markets Increased volume by 20% · Established trade routes, at the regional level with the Kenya and Ethiopia borders
Number of direct project beneficiaries of which female (percentage) 42,000 Households in Uganda
  • Households of pastoralists and agro-pastoralist started benefiting from vaccinations and treatment of livestock especially in regard to tsetse control.


Outcome Indicators for Components
Number of water infrastructures operational and sustainably managedNumber of pastoral households with improved access to water through project infrastructures rehabilitation and development – 6 Valley dams– 6 Valley tanks

– 104 boreholes

Progress achieved :

  • Sites Identification & Scoping has been completed
  • Site selection of infrastructure is completed
  • Securing designed Consultants has been done for both the water and market infrastructure.
  • Structural Designs development is going on by the two consultants of the water and market infrastructure BEC and KOM respectively.
  • Social and environmental safeguards screening was completed successfully for all infrastructure sites.
Land area (hectares) where sustainable land management practices have been adopted as a result of the project – 600 hectare Progress achieved :

  • Participatory planning meetings at community, S/County and District levels have been ongoing.
  • Formation of rangeland management community committees is ongoing for the project districts.
  • Mapping of areas for rangeland rehabilitation has been completed.
  • Identification of Pastoral field school at community levels was carried out.
  • Regional / national mapping of degraded land resources was completed.
  • Quantities and specifications for rangeland rehabilitation were developed by the Natural Resource Management team.
  • Rangeland monitoring tools have been reviewed
Number of community forums/ platforms solving natural resources management conflicts formed and operational. 125 conflict platforms 117 platforms have been formed in all the 12 project districts (93.6%)
Number of market infrastructures operational and sustainably managed – Construction of 12 Livestock Markets– Construction of 3 Border Check Points

– Construction of 12 Slaughter Facilities

– Construction of 4 Holding/Auction Grounds

Progress achieved :

  • Sites Identification & Scoping has been completed in all the project districts.
  • Site selection of infrastructure completed
  • Securing designed Consultants for the infrastructure has been achieved (COM)
  • Social and environmental safeguards screening was carried out for all sites as a preliminary activity during site identification.
  • Feasibility and Design of infrastructure completed
  • Four quarantine stations have been surveyed (Chepsikunya, Namalu, Ajesai, Iriri)
  • Trade routes with partner states have been established, at the regional level


Regional marketing information (price, diseases, markets opportunities) disseminated to partner countries in timely manners Establish a functional Market information system to regularly provide

  • Livestock prices from different markets
  • Diseases
  • Opportunities
· Procured handsets for the 12 districts to be used for data entry by the District Commercial Officers on a weekly basis.· Training of the district commercial officers in 12 districts was done to equip them with skills in the use of the Livestock Market Information System.

· Livestock market information is being harmonized with the partner states of Kenya and Ethiopia through the use of the Regional Livestock Market Information System.

· Trade sensitive disease (PPR, CCPP, CBPP and FMD) have been established and cross border disease surveillance and vaccination has been on going.

Number of new technologies demonstrated and adopted in the project area Number new technologies demonstrated and adopted in the project area · An MOU with NARO has been signed to undertake agricultural research and disseminate appropriate technologies for improving productivity, resilience and profitability of the pastoral and agro pastoral communities in the project area.
Number of alternative livelihood activities and sub-projects realized and sustainably managed 2 years after initial investments Alternative livelihoods started in the communities · Community sensitization about alternative livelihoods has been carried out 113 communities in 12 project districts· An MOU with NARO was signed to identify drought tolerant crops and forages for promotion.

· Mapping of existing groups in project districts (including APFS) for identified technologies was completed.

· District teams carried out participatory identification of alternative livelihoods for the communities.

Reliable information from Early Warning System (EWS) disseminated timely Improved Regional, national and local early warning and response mechanism for disaster risk management
  • Identification of sites in communities to install the early warning and weather system equipment was carried out.
  • Formation of early warning committees in 12districts and agreed arrangements for operation and maintenance of the system were completed.
  • Training of data collectors for the Early Warning data was completed and 240 out of the targeted 300 were trained.
  • Training of National Early Warning Committee and 12 District Agricultural Officers was successfully accomplished.


Effective disaster risks management policies harmonized and contingency plans available for the three countries 12 contingency plans
  • Is on going
Effective coordination, management and implementation of the Project by Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and fisheries through NPCU and Districts
  • 2016 project Annual report was completed and submitted to MAAIF, World Bank and IGAD
  • Baseline survey was completed with a report which provides information for bench-marking results
  • Recruitment of other Technical staff at NPCU – Project accountant, Procurement, and Engineer was carried out and all legal covenants were fulfilled.
  • Recruitment of 12 Assistant Monitoring and Evaluation/Data officers and 12 Accounts Assistants in the 12 districts was completed.
  • Di monitoring system has been established at Regional, national and district level
  • Training of NPCU and District staff in use of web based di monitoring tool was completed for capacity building.
  • Supervision by World Bank and project/MAAF staff done through physical monitoring and financial supervision.
  • Financial supervision and internal auditing has been completed.
  • Funds have been disbursed to 12 districts for district based activities under different components for two rounds.
  • Financial Management Training of district project implementers has been completed in line with the World Bank financial guidelines. Annual Audit was carried out for FY 2015/16.
  • Established Linkages with IGG for complaints handing and grievance handling mechanisms and the MOU has been signed.
  • Established working linkages with NUSAF II for complementary efforts in project area.
  • To Strengthen the coordination units at national, district and sub county levels a number of items have been procured;
  • 6 Vehicles for NPCU
  • 1 Vaccine Van
  • 12 Double Pickups to 12 District Coordination Units
  • Computers to the National Project Coordination Unit and District Coordination Units
  • Furniture to NPCU offices
  • Internet connections to enhance communication at NPCU and Districts
  • Bicycles for the Community Animal Health Workers
  • Motorcycles for the veterinary and para veterinary officers in the project districts

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The RPLRP project

The Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP) is a regional project financed by a USD 40 Million loan got by GOU from the World Bank and implemented by three IGAD member states: Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia.

The RPLRP was prepared within the framework of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) and aligned with the Regional Programming Paper (RPP) and Country Programming Paper (CPPs).

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Project Objectives

“To enhance the contribution of the goat industry to farmers’ income and welfare.”

Specific objectives

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Improve the goat management systems and create sustainable supplies of quality goats for internal and export markets.


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