The National Agriculture Policy (NAP)
What is the National Agriculture Policy
Objectives of the National Agriculture Policy
What is the National Agriculture Policy (NAP)?
Uganda’s National Agriculture Policy (NAP) was been formulated in line with the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.
Objective XI (ii) of the Constitution provides that the state shall “stimulate agricultural, industrial, technological and scientific development by adopting appropriate policies and enactment of enabling legislation.”
Objective XXII (a) provides that the state shall “take appropriate steps to encourage people to grow and store adequate food.” The National Agriculture Policy is aimed at translating these high level national obligations into policies and strategies to enable their achievement.
The policy shall guide all agriculture and agriculture related sub-sector plans, policy frameworks and strategies existing and those to be formulated in future. In addition to its constitutional obligations, the Government has a national vision aimed at achieving Prosperity For All (PFA). Agricultural development is a central strategy for achieving this Prosperity For All vision.
The policy is derived from the need to achieve the national development objectives of increasing household incomes, food and nutrition security and employment as stipulated by the National Development Plan (NDP) in which agriculture is identified as one of the primary drivers of growth in the economy.