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Department of Agricultural Infrastructure, Mechanisation and Water for Agricultural Production – Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

Department of Agricultural Infrastructure, Mechanisation and Water for Agricultural Production

Department of Agricultural Infrastructure, Mechanisation and Water for Agricultural Production (DAIMWAP)


"To Support the development of agricultural infrastructure, water for agricultural production and mechanisation to enable achievement of sector objectives."

key functions

  • Formulate, review, and implement policies, legislation, regulations, standards, designs, plans and strategies, for agricultural infrastructure and water for agricultural production and mechanisation;
  • Provide water for animals, crops and fisheries production and development;
  • Compile, analyze, maintain and disseminate data on soils, water, wetlands, semi arid areas and rangelands for sustainable animal, crop and fish production;
  • Enforce legislation, regulations and standards of soil fertility management, irrigation, aquaculture, soil and water conservation, agricultural engineering, mechanization and farming systems for the development of agriculture;
  • Provide equipment and technical guidance for physical farm planning, topographical, vegetation and soil surveys, classification and mapping;
  • Provide technical support and guidance to local governments, NGOs and other stakeholders in management of infrastructure, water for agricultural production and mechanization;
  • Establish and operationalize collaborative mechanisms with research and extension services institutions for the development, uptake and application of appropriate technologies;
  • Build capacity of MAAIF, Local Governments and other stakeholders in management of systems and infrastructure, water for agricultural production and mechanization;
  • Establish and operationalize collaborative mechanisms at national, regional and international levels for the management of systems and infrastructure for production, water for agricultural production and mechanization.